Constipation in Adults Overview
Constipation refers to a decrease in the frequency of bowel movements or
difficulty in passing stools. The stool of a constipated person is typically
hard because it contains less water than normal. Constipation is a symptom, not
a disease.
Generally, constipation is difficult to define clearly because as a symptom
it varies from person to person. In addition, because we generally don't discuss
the frequency of our bowel movements or observe each other having them, it is
often difficult for people to know whether they are having less frequent stools,
or experiencing increased difficulty in moving their bowels than others.
- The "normal" frequency of bowel movements varies greatly, ranging from 3 movements per day to 3 per week. Such variation may occur among cultures and groups of people, among individuals, or even for an individual person without necessarily being a sign of disease. However, if a person has had a generally even frequency of bowel function that changes acutely and persists in its new form for longer periods of time, this may be a reason to consult a physician. Generally, if a person has not moved the bowels for 3 successive days, the intestinal contents harden, and the person experiences difficulty or even pain during defecation, medical care should be sought.
- A common misconception about constipation is that wastes stored in your body are absorbed, are dangerous to your health, and may shorten your life-span. Some people have an underlying fear that they will be "poisoned" by their own intestinal wastes (feces) if they retain the waste in their bodies for more than a certain length of time. None of this is true. There is little evidence that "colonic cleansing" improves health in individuals with normal bowel function.
- Older people are five times more likely than younger people to complain about the onset of new constipation.
Constipation in Adults Causes
Constipation may result from a poor diet, poor bowel habits, or
problems in elimination of stool, whether physical, functional, or
These are the most common causes of constipation:
Poor diet: Eating foods rich in animal fats (dairy products,
meats, and eggs) or refined sugar but low in fiber (whole grains,
fruits, and vegetables)
Inadequate fluid intake: Not drinking enough water can lead
to hard dry stools. Fluid is absorbed in the intestine, and people who
don't drink enough water may not pass enough water into the colon to
keep their stools soft.
Caffeine and alcohol: These induce increased urination of water. This leads to (relative)
that increases water absorption from the intestine. This can in turn
lead to constipation when not enough fluid is retained in the stool.
Poor bowel habits: Ignoring the desire to have bowel movements may initiate a cycle of constipation.
- After a period of time, the person may stop feeling the desire to move the bowels.
- This leads to progressive constipation. For example, some people may avoid using public toilets or ignore going to the toilet because they are busy.
Medications: Many medications can cause constipation.
- Antacids that contain aluminum hydroxide (Alternagel, Alu-Cap, Alu-Tab, Amphojel, Dialume) and calcium carbonate (Rolaids, Mylanta, Maalox, Tums, etc.)
- Antispasmodic drugs
- Antidepressants
- Iron tablets
- Anticonvulsant drugs
- Diuretics (because they can work like caffeine and alcohol as mentioned previously)
- Painkillers, narcotic-containing drugs, for example, may suppress bowel function.
Travel: Changes in lifestyle, low fluid intake, and eating fast food may cause constipation.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS, spastic colon): Because of changes in bowel function, if
a person has this disorder, he or she may have crampy
abdominal pain,
excessive gas, bloating, and constipation,
sometimes alternating with diarrhea.
Laxative abuse: Habitually using laxatives will gradually produce dependency on them.
- The person may eventually require increasing amounts of laxatives to move the bowels.
- In some instances, the bowel will become insensitive to laxatives and the person will not be able to move the bowels even with laxatives.
Constipation during pregnancy may be due to several factors. Each of
the following conditions produces severe pain on defecation, which may
trigger a reflex spasm of the anal sphincter muscle. The spasm may delay
bowel movement and decrease the desire for bowel opening as a means to
avoid the anal pain.
- Mechanical pressure on the bowel by the heavy womb
- Hormonal changes during pregnancy
- Changes in food and fluid intake
- Anal fissure (cracks in the anus)
- Painful hemorrhoids (piles)
- Anal stenosis (narrow anus)
Intestinal obstruction: Mechanical compression and interference with the normal functions of the bowel may occur in the following ways:
- Scarring of the intestine from inflammation due to diseases such as diverticulitis or Crohn's disease (an inflammatory bowel disease)
- Inflammatory adhesions and joining of tissues
- Intestinal cancers
- Abdominal hernia, loops of the intestine become obstructed
- Gallstones that have become immovably wedged in the intestine
- Twisting of the intestine upon itself (volvulus)
- Foreign bodies (swallowed or introduced into the intestine from the anus)
- Intussusception refers to "telescoping of the intestine" in which one part of the intestine is drawn into another part (This occurs mainly in children.)
- Postoperative adhesions (internal scarring after previous abdominal surgery) can block the small intestine and cause the inability to pass gas or move the bowels, but relatively rarely blocks the large intestine (colon).
problems of the anus and rectum (the bottom part of the colon) that includes the
rectum pushing out the anus (rectal prolapse) or into the vagina.
Damage to nerves within the intestine: (Spinal cord tumors,
multiple sclerosis, or spinal cord injuries may produce constipation by interfering with the function of the nerves supplying the intestine.)
Connective tissue diseases: Conditions such as
scleroderma and
Poor-functioning thyroid gland: A low production of thyroxin, a hormone produced by the thyroid gland,
hypothyroidism, causing constipation
Lead poisoning and other metabolic disorders
Age: Older adults are more likely to have constipation for the
following reasons:
- Poor diet and insufficient intake of fluids
- Lack of exercise
- Side effects of prescription drugs used to treat other conditions
- Poor bowel habits
- Prolonged bed rest, for example after an accident or during an illness
- Habitual use of enemas and laxatives
It should be noted that although that this is a long list of possibly scary
causes of constipation, most chronic constipation is simply from inadequate
intake of dietary fiber and water, and can be managed by substantially
increasing the intake of both.
Constipation in Adults Symptoms
An individual may exhibit a broad range of symptoms of constipation depending on
his or her normal bowel habits, diet, and age. These are common problems a
person may have if he or she is constipated:
- Difficulty in starting or completing a bowel movement
- Infrequent and difficult passage of stool
- Passing hard stool after prolonged straining
- If the person has irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), crampy abdominal pain, excessive gas, a sense of bloating, and a change in bowel habits
- If the person has an intestinal obstruction, nausea, vomiting, no defecation, and inability to pass gas
- Distended abdomen, headaches, and loss of appetite
- Coated (furred) tongue, bad breath (halitosis), and bad taste in the mouth
When to Seek Medical Care for Constipation
Call your health care practitioner if you have these concerns:
- Symptoms are severe and last longer than 3 weeks
- Recent and significant change in bowel habits, for instance, constipation alternates with diarrhea
- Severe pain in the anus during a bowel movement
- Symptoms of other diseases in addition to constipation (for example, tiredness, fatigue, poor tolerance to cold weather may suggest the need to assess thyroid function for hypothyroidism, an underactive gland.)
- Constipation for 2 weeks or longer with returning abdominal pain, which might be a sign of lead poisoning
When to seek emergency medical care
Although constipation may be extremely uncomfortable, it is usually
not serious. It may signal a serious underlying disorder, however, such
as cancer of the bowel. Because constipation may lead to complications,
go to a hospital's emergency department for any of the following
- Rectal bleeding
- Anal pain and hemorrhoids
- Anal fissures or cracks in the mucous lining (severe pain during defecation in the anal area)
- Fecal impaction (immovable intestinal contents) in very young children and in older adults
- Rectal prolapse or sagging (Occasionally, straining causes a small amount of the intestinal lining to push out from the rectal opening. This may lead to secretion of mucus that may stain the undergarments.)
- Recurrent vomiting with constipation and abdominal pain (This may suggest intestinal obstruction and needs urgent hospital treatment.)
- Severe abdominal pain with the constipation that is constant and worsening, especially if it is accompanied by a fever.
Constipation in Adults Diagnosis
Your health care practitioner may ask the affected individual several
questions, conduct a physical exam, and perform certain lab tests to
find out
the possible causes of his or her constipation.
Answers to these questions will help the doctor assess the affected person's condition and plan treatment options.
- What are your normal bowel habits?
- How long have you had difficulty in passing stool?
- When was the last time you passed stool?
- Are you able to pass gas?
- Do you experience any abdominal or anal pain?
- Could you indicate with your finger the site of your pain?
- How would you describe your abdominal pain?
- Have you noticed any changes in your body temperature?
- Have you tried any medication? Did it help?
- Do you usually take laxatives or an enema? If yes, what type of laxatives and how many tablets per day do you usually take?
- Do you feel that you always need laxatives to pass stool?
- Do you have any other symptoms?
- Any changes in your appetite?
- Any changes in your body weight?
- Do you feel better after passing stools?
- Do you feel sick? Have you thrown up?
- Any hospital admission or investigations for similar illness?
- Are you pregnant?
- Do you smoke cigarettes? When did you start smoking? How many cigarettes do you smoke per day?
- Do you drink alcohol? Coffee? Tea? How much?
- Do you use drugs? Any medications?
- Have you ever had surgery? What surgery? When?
- Any joint pain, eye problems, back or neck pain, or skin changes?
- Do you usually prefer the warm weather?
- Do you usually feel tired?
- Do you have a family history of constipation or bowel cancer?
- Have you ever been screened for colon cancer?
The health care practitioner will examine the patient's abdomen,
anus, and other body systems including the nervous system, the thyroid
gland (for any goiter), and the musculoskeletal system. What the
health care practitioner examines will depend on the patient's answers
to the questions and any history that may suggest certain disorders.
The health care practitioner will decide which tests the patient
needs based on
his or her symptoms, history, and exam. These tests will help assess the
actual cause of the problem. The most commonly used tests may include
the following:
Lab Tests
- Examining a stool sample under a microscope
- Complete blood count (CBC) and blood film
- Thyroid function tests if hypothyroidism is suspected
- Upright plain X-ray of the chest and abdomen may show free air from intestinal perforation or signs of intestinal obstruction
- Barium enema may reveal a disease of the colon
- Assessment of food movement may demonstrate a prolonged and delayed transit time
- Sigmoidoscopy may help to detect problems in the rectum and lower colon. The doctor will insert a flexible lighted instrument through the anus to visualize the rectum and the lower intestine.
- Colonoscopy uses an internal examination, your doctor can suspect the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome by ruling out more serious disorders. The doctor also may take tissue biopsies for further studies to assess the cause underlying your symptoms.
Constipation in Adults Treatment
If the patient's bowel is not blocked, realistic goals of medical treatment
must be established between the patient and health care practitioner.
- All cases will require dietary advice. Treatment may be difficult, particularly in those with chronic constipation. The doctor may prescribe bulk-forming agents in addition to dietary changes.
- Increased activity in the elderly and regular exercise in younger people will help.
Constipation in Adults Self-Care at Home
- Fiber: Get more fiber or bulk in the diet. If this cannot be done adequately by diet changes, consider adding a fiber supplement to the diet. There are many of these available, including psyllium (Metamucil) and methylcellulose (Citrucel). In general, these fiber supplements are not drugs and are safe and effective if taken together with sufficient water. They are not laxatives and must be taken regularly (whether you are constipated or not) in order for them to help you avoid future constipation. They are generally taken suspended in a glass of water one to three times daily. Start with once daily, and increase to twice daily after a week, and then to three times daily after another week if necessary.
- Exercise: Regular physical activity is an important component in bowel health. Try a daily exercise such as the knee-to-chest position. Such positions may activate bowel movements. Spend about 10-15 minutes in this position. Breathe in and out deeply.
- Hydration: Drink plenty of fluids, especially water and fruit juices. Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily in addition to beverages with meals.
- Alcohol and Caffeine: Decrease alcohol intake and caffeinated beverages, including coffee, tea, or cola drinks. In general, it is a good idea to have an extra glass of water (over and above the 6 to 8 daily mentioned previously) for every cup of coffee, tea, or alcoholic drink.
- Bowel Hygiene: Go to the toilet at the same time every day, preferably after meals, and allow enough time as not to strain.
- Laxatives: Avoid using over-the-counter laxatives. Try to avoid laxatives containing senna (Senokot) or buckthorn (Rhamnus purshiana) because long-term intake may damage the lining of the bowel and injure nerve endings to the colon.
Constipation in Adults Medications
If these initial measures fail, the health care practitioner may try a number of laxatives on a short-term basis.
The patient must consult with his or her doctor before using any of these agents, particularly on long-term basis.
- Mineral oils can be very helpful in the short-term, but are associated with health risks for long-term use. They also can cause substantial diarrhea if too much is taken.
- Sodium docusate or calcium docusate may be useful when the patient must avoid straining for a short period of time, such as after a heart attack, during pregnancy, or after gastrointestinal surgery. They often will lose their effectiveness after several days.
- Fiber supplements as mentioned previously.
A doctor will treat any underlying diseases (intestinal obstruction, anal fissure, hemorrhoids, and bowel cancer).
- If the patient has irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), he or she should stop smoking and avoid coffee and milk-containing foods. A food diary may help to identify foods that seem to worsen the symptoms.
- Thyroxin will be prescribed if the doctor determines through clinical and laboratory tests that the patient has an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).
Constipation in Adults Home Remedies
Aloe juice and aloe latex have been used as laxatives, but should not be confused with aloe vera gel used for
wound healing or
The FDA rules that aloe is not safe as a stimulant laxative. Rhubarb or
any tonics containing it are also not proven safe as a laxative.
NOTE: If you choose to use remedies involving homeopathy, herbs, dietary and nutritional supplements, acupressure, aromatherapy,
and other alternative or complementary healing methods, be advised that
these products and techniques have usually not been scientifically
proven to treat, prevent, or cure any disease. Serious interactions with
prescription and nonprescription medications are always a possibility.
Keep your doctor informed about every medication or medicine-like
substance you use and seek medical advice before taking any medication
or remedy.
Constipation in Adults Follow-up
- If the person has specific disorders such as hypothyroidism, scleroderma, and lupus, he or she may require regular follow-ups with a health care practitioner.
- Elderly people with a history of fecal impaction and fecal incontinence should be followed regularly to ensure that they do not develop further attacks.
- Young people with anorexia nervosa need a team of specialists to assess and follow the underlying illness, as well as to provide support and education.
Constipation in Adults Prevention
- Develop regular bowel habits. Set aside time before or after breakfast to use the toilet.
- Do not ignore the desire to defecate. Answer nature's call to empty your bowel as soon as possible.
- Eat a well-balanced diet that includes wheat grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables. Recent evidence suggests that increasing dietary fiber intake may help some people with hard stools, but is not necessarily of benefit in every person with constipation.
- Drink plenty of water and fruit juice.
- Exercise regularly. Walking is especially important.
- Avoid intake of medications that may cause constipation. Your doctor or pharmacist can help you in this regard.
- The use of laxatives can make a constipation problem worse in the long-term and should be avoided.
Constipation in Adults Prognosis
Most people with constipation have no physical disease of the
digestive system nor any widespread disease associated with
constipation. Most of the time, constipation is related to poor dietary
habits, low fluid intake, and lack of exercise.
- For people with constipation caused by illness, recovery will be determined by how sick the affected individual is.
- The person will usually recover well if his or her constipation is caused by hemorrhoids or anal fissures.
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